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Showing posts from September, 2018

9 Critical Mistakes That Altered The Outcomes of Games

People make mistakes, and basketball players are just that, people. Therefore, basketball players make mistakes just like everyone else. Whether those mistakes are things like missing wide-open lay-ups or...pretty much half of what JaVale McGee has done in his career, mistakes are still bound to happen. Even Michael Jordan has messed up on the court before . The mistakes on this list, however, are so much more than that. Not only were these mistakes, mental errors, or avoidable gaffs, but they were mistakes that would end up altering the very game they happened in. Whether they be in the NBA or in college, these are 9 critical mistakes that altered the outcomes of basketball games. JR Smith Forgets the Score Obviously, we had to start with a major mental error that occurred this past season, and one that hurts me deeply to think about as a Cleveland Cavaliers fan. In Game 1 of the 2018 finals, the Cavaliers were trailing by one against the Golden State Warriors when George Hill

2018 NBA All-Underrated Team

Every season, a bunch of players go overlooked despite putting up some great numbers. It's bound to happen. Not everyone can be an all-star every season. However, they do deserve recognition, and since I made this list last year , I'm doing it again this year. With that out of the way, this is my 2018 NBA All-Underrated team. Point Guard: Tyreke Evans Yes, Tyreke Evans is a point guard. If you disagree, then you're not alone, because multiple NBA teams have played him out of position. Despite the fact that he had a stellar rookie season for the 2009-10 season where he won the Rookie of the Year and averaged 20.1 points, 5.3 rebounds, and 5.8 assists per game as a point guard with the Sacramento Kings, the team still moved him to the shooting guard spot. That, combined with a couple of injuries, hurt Evans' development and stock, which resulted in a pretty significant regression on the stat line. This might be why the Grizzlies got him for just $3.2 million for on

7 Rookies to Keep An Eye On This Season

The 2018-19 season is about a month away, and we're also a month away from the professional debuts of this year's rookie class. While most of the attention is on top picks like DeAndre Ayton, Luka Doncic, and Trae Young, there are several players going overlooked who could surprise everyone and put up solid numbers. And since I did this list last year , I'm doing it again this year. Here are seven rookies to keep an eye on this season. Robert Williams While Michael Porter Jr's fall down the draft board was the most notable of the 2018 draft, he wasn't the only player who was projected to go high in the draft, only to drop to a much lower pick. Going into the draft, Robert Williams of Texas A&M was projected to go as high as a lottery pick, only to fall all the way down to Boston Celtics at #27. Despite the concerns about his work ethic and a popliteal artery entrapment syndrome diagnosis, the Celtics look to have lucked into one of the better big men. W

5 NBA Players You Won't Believe Got MVP Votes

For a player to receive votes in the MVP race, you'd have to imagine that they are among the top players in the league. After all, the award has been won by the best the NBA has to offer. Whether it be Michael Jordan, LeBron James, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, or Kobe Bryant, the title of Most Valuable Player is a title only held by the upper echelon of the sport. However, sometimes players you'd never expect to even be in consideration for the award end up receiving votes, and that's what this list is all about. Just to clarify how MVP voting works for those who don't know, a panel of sportswriters and broadcasters cast votes for 1st through 5th place. The votes then translate to points like this: 1st place vote=10 points 2nd place vote=7 points 3rd place vote=5 points 4th place vote=3 points 5th place vote=1 point So with that out of the way, these are five players you won't believe got MVP votes. PJ Brown (2005) While he was never a star-player by any me

10 Players With The Most To Prove This Season

The 2018-19 NBA season is about a month away, which means every player will get another full season to showcase what they can do. Whether they be young players looking to find their footing or veterans looking to show they still have what it takes to play at a high level, every one of them is looking to prove themselves this upcoming season. The players on this list, however, have the most to prove out of anyone. Whether it be a second-year player who had a rough rookie season, a player who's been injured frequently in his career, or a player looking to bounce back from a rough year, these are the 10 players with the most to prove in the 2018-19 season. Trae Young Out of all the players selected in the 2018 draft, the one who has received the most attention (outside of maybe DeAndre Ayton or Luka Doncic) is arguably Trae Young. Young first gained national attention during last year's college basketball season, during which he lead average a nation-best 27.4 points, 3.9 r

8 Terrible Movies Starring NBA Players

Basketball players are not actors. That's pretty obvious. So naturally, when an NBA player is cast in a movie, they're performances aren't all that great. And when the performances in a movie are bad, then that usually means the movie is bad. And that's what this list is full of, awful movies with basketball players in roles. Now, when I say that, I'm not counting movies where NBA players make quick cameos as themselves, so movies like Jack & Jill and Grown Up 2 (as terrible as they are) are obviously excluded. Also, as much as I'm pretty sure no likes Amy Schumer, Trainwreck (which also stars LeBron James) is not on here, as I've never seen it and it has a 86% on Rotten Tomatoes, so it seems like a lot of people genuinely like this movie. So with that out of the way, here are 8 terrible movies starring NBA players. Kazaam Few players in the history of the NBA have had as colorful a personality as Shaquille O'Neal. With that in mind, it's